Add Projects and Tasks

To add projects and tasks, please follow the steps below:

1. Visit your dashboard.

2. Click on “Add Project” in the top corner or click the “Stacked Files” icon under the “Circles” icon. Choose either Projects or Tasks, depending on the one you want to add.

3. To add a Project, please follow the following steps:

Fill out the form with the required details to add a new project:

Project Name: Give your project a name that describes it.

Assign To Circle: Click on the arrow sign in the box to choose a Circle Member to assign to e.g Spouse.

Client Name: Click on the arrow sign in the box to choose a Client.

Assign Project To: Click on the plus sign in the box to assign the project to a member of your Circle by inviting them.

Project Icon/Avatar: Click on the plus sign to upload an image or choose an emoji to represent the project.

Due date: Add the date the project is due.

Status: Select the appropriate status of the project. This can either be New, In Progress, Completed, Cancelled, or Archived.

4. Click “Submit” to submit your entry or “Cancel” to cancel your entry.


5. To add a task, please follow the following steps:

On the Tasks dashboard, click on the “Add New Task” button in the top corner and fill out the required details:


New Task: Add the task.

Type of Project: Select the type of project the task falls under. It can either be a Personal Project or a Team Project.

Assign Task To: Click on the plus symbol to either choose or invite a member by filling out the form that pops out.

Due Date: Assign the date when the task would be due.

Status: Select the appropriate task status. This can either be Active, Inactive, On Hold, Cancelled, or Completed.

Task Description: Describe the task.

Expected Gains on Completion: Describe the expected gains on completion of the task.

Add This Task To Project: Select the project to add the task to.

6. Click “Submit” to submit your entry or “Cancel” to cancel your entry.