Upgrading Your Account

Here is a guide on how to upgrade your account:

1. Visit your dashboard.

2. Click on the “Settings” icon under the “Notifications” icon.

3. You will see an overview, your payment details, and your billing address.

4. Under the overview, you will be presented with 3 subscription options: Personal, Professional, and Prime.

5. You will be able to view your current plan and other plans available. In addition, you will be able to manage your next payment. Also, you will be able to view your payment history in the bottom corner of the page.

6. Click on the plan you would like to upgrade to in the “Upgrade to” section under the “My Plan” section.

7. Then click on “Let’s Upgrade” to upgrade.

8. Choose your preferred payment method.

9. Fill out your details in the payment gateway.

10. Click on “Subscribe”.