Meet Your Brand New Dashboard

Your dashboard gives you an overview of your

Circles: Under the Circles, you find:

My Circle: Helps you add the different relationships important to you.

My Mentors: Helps you add your mentors.

My Clients: Helps you add your different clients.

Work: Under the Works, you find:

Projects: Add and view existing projects with details.

Tasks: Add and view existing tasks.

Messaging: Shows your inbox.

Notifications: Shows your notifications preferences.

Settings: Gives an overview of your subscription plan, payment details, and billing address.


My Account: Under “My Account”, you view:

My Profile: This gives you a view of your profile details and it helps you edit your personal details and password.

Log out: To log out of the platform.

Total Circles: This shows the total number of circles associated with your account.


Total Projects: This shows your total number of projects.

Pending Tasks: This shows your tasks that are yet to be completed.







Completed Tasks: This shows your completed tasks